Проект № BG-RRP-3.004-0248 „Технологична модернизация в предприятието“, „TETAMAT“ ЕООД
Като бенефициент по договор за финансиране и в изпълнение на проект № BG-RRP-3.004-0248 „Технологична модернизация в предприятието“, „TETAMAT“ ЕООД провежда процедура с Публична покана, съгласно разпоредбите на ЗУСЕФСУ и ПМС № 80/09.05.2022 г. за възлагане на поръчка с предмет:
Доставка, монтаж и въвеждане в експлоатация на материални активи:
ОП № 1: Обработващ център - 1 брой;
ОП № 2: CNC Струг - 1 брой;
ОП № 3: CNC Рутер - 1 брой;
Публична покана
Методика за оценка
Оферта_ПМС 80
Проект на договор
Финансова безвъзмездна помощ по процедура BG-RRP-3.004 „Технологична модернизация“.
ТЕТАМАТ ЕООД сключи договор № BG-RRP-3.004-0248-C01 за предоставяне на финансова безвъзмездна помощ по процедура BG-RRP-3.004 „Технологична модернизация“.
Основната цел на проекта е повишаване на ефективността на производствените процеси, ръст на производителността, намаляване на производствените разходи и разширяване на дейността на компанията.
Основната дейност е придобиване на нови технологии с акцент върху цифровизацията на производствените процеси с оглед на разширяване на производствения капацитет.
Очакваният ефект върху предприятието - кандидат е възстановяване на икономическия потенциал на компанията от периода преди COVID пандемията и създаване на условия за растеж и развитието и чрез цифровизация на производствените процеси с цел разширяване на дейността.
Обща стойност на проекта: 700 000.00лв., от които 350 000.00лв. европейско финансиране от Механизма за възстановяване и устойчивост (МВУ).
Начало: 10.04.2023 г.
Край: 10.04.2024 г.
The pandemic has had a huge influence on the day-to-day routine of the consumer, and on the work of packaging machinery engineers. After heavy losses, the order books are slowly filling up again and the “new normal” is becoming established. Business travel is still down and digitalisation is growing expansively.
While we have been dealing with more stringent restrictions from the government since the middle of March 2020 here in Germany, other parts of the world were placed under strict measures far earlier on. Various lockdowns, travel bans, border closures and the delivery bottlenecks that come with them, along with the increases in prices for raw materials, have forced the economy as a whole to rethink and innovate.
Germany is the world champion in exporting. In addition to this, trade fairs for the packaging industry and the process industry that is linked to it, such as interpack, your world-leading trade fair, could not be held during the pandemic. This meant that it was difficult to initiate new business in particular and relationships with existing customers could not be cultivated as intensively.
Anuga 09-13.10.2021
Ready for the re-start: Anuga, the leading global trade fair for the food and beverage industry, is taking place in Cologne from 09.-13.10.2021 . But that is not all: For the first time the leading industry get-together is additionally being enhanced by the new digital format, Anuga @home, from 11.-13.10.2021. Wherever you operate worldwide – we are offering you the opportunity to be part of the hybrid edition of Anuga – whether on-site in Cologne or in digital form.
Industry-leading and pioneering, expert and reliable: Anuga is also supporting the food and beverage industry with its unique, dynamic strength in 2021. Especially now, in combination with Anuga @home , Anuga forms the basis for good business and new economic perspectives and will bring the industry players together in their entirety on a personal level and in the digital world.
In the world of food and beverages nobody gets around Anuga. The largest trade fair in the world is the most important industry meeting point. It offers a globally representative breadth and depth of offer like no other trade event. Whereby the sheer size was never its only aim. The consistent development into a trade fair and the continual continuation of the bundling of commodity groups has in the course of its meanwhile 100-year history turned it into what it is today: the no. 1 event worldwide!
It’s IFFA time: exhibitor registration now open
Exhibitor registration for IFFA 2022 in Frankfurt am Main from 14 to 19 May 2022 opened recently. New is the expansion of the world’s leading trade fair for the meat industry to include alternative proteins. Companies planning to exhibit can still benefit from the early-booking rate until 31 March 2021.
It was noticeable even at past editions of IFFA: more and more food makers around the world are investing in products based on alternative proteins whereby the demands on quality, sensory properties and quantity call for complex solutions with regard to the production process and ingredients – reason enough for IFFA’s organisers and partners to take official account of this rapidly growing field. With the new subtitle, ‘’Technology for Meat and Alternative Proteins’, IFFA 2022 is set to be the world’s leading trade fair not only for the processing, packaging and sale of meat but also for alternative protein products.